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Shakespeare on DVD

Convener: Linda Macpherson
Location: at a member’s home, Ilfracombe
Date and Time: 1st Thursday at 1.00pm
Cost: No charge for venue. Refreshments min 50p, max £1 on a voluntary basis. No charge for printed programme notes.

Expanding our knowledge at a gentle pace, we gather in comfortable surroundings to watch a Shakespeare play and discuss our likes and dislikes of the production, with refreshments.
You get a programme with helpful notes to help you get to grips with the play, and on-screen subtitles where available.  Very long plays may be split over 2 meetings as we hope to keep to 3 hours maximum, but thanks to clever editors this hasn’t happened yet. The aim is to watch every play in chronological order and hope to spot a development of some kind.
There is no waiting list for this group, new members are welcome, but space is limited. You have nothing to lose by joining us at this point, it doesn’t matter if you’ve missed the one play you were interested in, for they will all come around again.  We have no exams, no group readings, just a lot of thought-provoking entertainment.


Dust Off your Shakespeare

You don't know your iambs from your couplets?

You can't tell Montagues from Capulets?

If you thought thee and thou, or troth and trow

Were just so hard - you never learned to love the Bard,

And now you're wondering what you missed

Of Romeo and Juliet's tryst:

Did she lead him on with sexy hints?

And who's this racy Pericles

Who's always leaving Tyre prints?

A merry band of brothers we,

That sit in friendly company

Enjoying cake and drinking tea.

Watch history and comedy,

Fantasy and tragedy;

All entertainments by the Bard

We're learning gently, not too hard.

And during post-performance chat

Stroke our harmless, necessary cat.

Linda © 2015

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